Sri Lanka to Germany Flight Duration

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What is the flight duration from Sri Lanka to Germany?
Sri Lanka

Average flight time is 9 hours 42 minutes

The fastest flight time from Sri Lanka to Germany is 9 hours 42 minutes

Sri Lanka to Germany flight duration breakdown

Average flight duration 9 hours 42 minutes
Shortest flight duration Not available
Longest flight duration Not available
The average flight time from Sri Lanka to Germany is 9 hours 42 minutes. However, the duration of flights can differ depending on weather conditions, flight path and congestion in the air. This means individual flight times can be quicker, but on occasion, they can also be longer.

The distance from Sri Lanka to Germany is 4,946 miles / 7,960 km

Sri Lanka airports

There are a number of airports nearby that fly to Germany: Colombo Bandaranaike International Airport (CMB) and Hambantota Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (HRI).

Germany airports

There are a number of airports nearby that fly to Sri Lanka: Magdeburg Cochstedt Airport (CSO), Leipzig/Halle Airport (LEJ), Braunschweig Airport (BWE), Paderborn Lippstadt Airport (PAD), Hannover Langenhagen Airport (HAJ), Frankfurt Airport (FRA) and Nuremberg Airport (NUE).

Sri Lanka & Germany local times and timezones

Sri Lanka
CET +01:00
Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka is 4 hours ahead of Germany, Germany

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Sri Lanka to Germany FAQs

How long does it take to fly from Sri Lanka to Germany?

On average, the flight time from Sri Lanka to Germany is 9 hours 42 minutes. But remember, flight times can vary slightly depending on weather conditions, flight path and congestion in the air.

This means that your flight from Sri Lanka to Germany could be longer or shorter than the average flight time.

What is the distance between Sri Lanka and Germany?

The distance between Sri Lanka and Germany is 4,946 miles or 7,960 km.

What is the shortest flight duration from Sri Lanka to Germany?

The shortest flight time from Sri Lanka to Germany is 9 hours 42 minutes. However, flight times can vary depending on weather conditions, air congestion and flight path, so this time is never guaranteed.

Can I fly from Sri Lanka to Germany?

The average flight time from Sri Lanka to Germany is 9 hours 42 minutes. Check ticket prices and review carrier requirements carefully before booking your trip.

What is the timezone difference between Sri Lanka and Germany?

The time zone difference between Sri Lanka and Germany is 4 hours.